• Make sure to come to the studio well rested.

    We have an age limit of 18 years old to get tattooed.

    Don’t shave the area you are getting tattooed in advance it can lead to skin irritation. Lets do that right before the session instead.

    You must NOT be under the influence of alcohol/drugs. When consuming alcohol, the blood is thinned, which can lead to stronger bleeding and it can cause the color to bleed and the tattoo to get worse.

    Inform us about your state of health. Allergies, diabetes, epilepsy or other ailments/diseases.

  • Eat & drink and comfortable clothes

    For longer sessions, it is good to bring something to drink and something that quickly raises blood sugar in the body and gives easy satiety such as. fruit, protein bar, drinking yoghurt, chocolate or a sandwich. We also have a microwave and fridge if you want to bring food to heat up during a break.

    Wear comfortable clothes that you don’t care too much about. Black clothes are preferable

    Mobile & Photos

    It's okay to be on your phone during the session. Just make sure to hold on to it tight so you don’t drop it. If you do drop it you’ll probably move and that might cause a crocked line ;)

    Ask before you take photos (no flash) 


  • Now use Dermalize Pro which is a protective tattoo film.

    It acts as a second layer of skin to protect the tattoo wound from bacteria and at the same time permeable which allows the skin to breathe. The film helps the skin to heal naturally from the inside out by locking in the body's natural fluids and enzymes which results in a better healed tattoo.

    If it fits well and is well closed, I recommend that you wear it for around 4-6 days.

    If the plastic has started to roll off / release earlier than the recommended time, (the skin is exposed and it is better that you remove it earlier so you can wash properly).

    NOTE! If for some reason you feel like the skin swell up a lot or turns really red and really really hurts you should take off the plastic immediately. If so just wash the tattoo, keep it dry and don’t use any ointment. (read more about this in “Extra Info” )

    Step #1 

    Remove gently in the shower, wash thoroughly with non-perfume soap (Lactacyd) & air dry.

    (Sometimes it sits very properly on and hurts a little to take off. My advice then is to open a small tab on the side of the plastic and pour medium warm water behind so you can lift it / roll it off from the skin a little easier.)

    Step #2 

    When the plastic is off, cleaned properly with non-perfume soap, just keep it dry. Don’t put any ointment on it right now, just keep it clean and dry. 

    Step #3

    Now the tattoo is clean & dry. At this point you should just leave it like this for 12-24h. (It might feel a little dry during this time but it's ok it won’t hurt your tattoo.)

    Just wash it with non-perfume soap at morning and night to keep it clean. 

    Step #4

    After these 12-24h you can now start to use ointment (Hustle Butter deluxe) 2-3 times a day. Just a thin layer will do it. Keep doing this until the tattoo is totally healed. 

    Remember to have clean hands & lubricate it properly. Do not leave a thick film all over it, but work it into the skin properly. Also, let it dry a little from time to time so you do not overdo the lubrication. However, it should not go so far between that hard crusts are formed.

    NOTE! If the tattoo liquefies and does not "dry", skip the lubrication for 1-2 days in the place where it liquefies so that the skin has a chance to stop. Just take and wash clean according to the aftercare instructions and feel free to bathe with chlorhexidine to clean a little extra. Once you have formed a crust, you can gently start lubricating again.

    I recomend Hustel Butte Deluxe

    Hustle Butter Deluxe is 100% natural, 100% organic and a VEGAN alternative to all petroleum-based skin care products. It is made from mango, coconut, papaya and other shea butter. 


    Avoid the sun, sauna and taking a bath for the next 2 weeks. Taking a shower is of course fine but make sure you use a soap that is free from perfume . Also I recommend that you don’t work out for at least 4 days after the tattoo session. 

    Working out 

    You're exposing your body to stresses that do not allow the tattoo to heal in peace. Also significantly increases the risk of infection. 

    While it heals, the tattoo is an open wound. If you sweat, it can run down into the wound. Sweat drags bacteria down.

    When you exercise, you risk stretching skin so that crusts crack and come off prematurely

  • Can I bring a friend?

    I always suggest that you come to the studio by yourself. To many people in the room can easily cause a distraction when I need to concentrate on tattooing. If you for some reason really need an extra person to make your feel comfortable during the session please ask me first.

    The skin has redness / there is a yellowish liquid?

    A tattoo is an open wound. An open wound is sensitive to bacteria.

    And when you leave the studio, you are responsible for your "wound" being taken care of and for following the care instructions you received from the studio.

    A new tattoo can cause the surrounding skin to look a little red and irritated. Especially on sensitive skin. And it can also be because the skin becomes so tense during the healing process when the crusting is greatest. Therefore, it is important to keep it soft.

    However, the redness should subside within a few days. So if the redness persists after a week and you are very sore, it may be that you have an infection. This is very unusual - but can happen due to ex. reasons mentioned below.

    So if there is a yellowish liquid and / or the skin has a redness around the tattoo, it may be that you have bacteria in the wound (infection.)

    Maybe the dog was there and sniffed, the little child curiously poked at the new tattoo, training a few days too early so sweat ran down the wound, a premature bath in his own bathtub or bathhouse. The reason can be several and how the body manages to handle it is individual and very much depends on one's immune system and general condition.

    However, a little liquid is not dangerous so do not panic. Be sure to keep it clean and focus even more on washing it / keeping it clean than lubricating it so that it has a chance to dry out and stop / form a crust. For the most part, it is transient and the body is able to heal it on its own.

    It is extremely unusual if you take care of your tattoo correctly that it would be an infection so much that you need antibiotics, but if you feel worried and insecure, you are welcome to come and show me your tattoo for assessment.

    Can I sunbathe and swim afterwards?

    Yes, when it's been about two weeks!

    If you do this earlier, you risk ruining your tattoo. In addition, it hurts terribly to sit in the sun with his new tattoo.

    So no sun and bath (not even in your own bathtub) for preferably two weeks after you get a tattoo.

    When it comes to sunbathing after these two weeks, my advice is the following:

    The sun whitens tattoos. Both those in Black & Gray and in color.

    If you want to keep your new nice tattoo, the recommendation is to use AT LEAST 30+ sun protection factor on your tattoos. Preferably waterproof variants for children that are at +50 on the tattoos themselves. Especially in the places that are very exposed (arms, shoulders and back) the highest factor is recommended.

    Otherwise it also works with a thin long-sleeved shirt / tunic, parasol etc.

    What should I NOT use ?!

    You should definitely not use pure Vaseline, oil or perfumed body lotions while your tattoo is healing!


    I charge by the hour. (1500kr/h)

    For smaller tattoos = fixed price